Advent of Code Tricks
Update I shared this post on Reddit and there’s some nice discussions in the comments section for more tips!
Update I shared this post on Reddit and there’s some nice discussions in the comments section for more tips!
Diggin’ Dotfiles Collection It’s time to dig the dotfiles, and to dig in to them! This post is a part of a blog post collection called Diggin’ Dotfiles where...
Here’s just a short information sharing, on how I recently upgraded a few of the most used common standard Unix tools that I use daily, to more modern altern...
Remote Backups - Just Do It I wanted to share here a project that I did a few years ago but that is still very relevant. What is very relevant? To have off-s...
Enter »» /projects ««
With this post I’m declaring my latest project nestedtext-ruby more or less done (for now)! It’s a library for a new exciting data format designed to address...
Writing a chat bot is maybe something that one does more a junior getting in to programming. It turns out it can still be fun even though I’ve programmed for...