
Name NestedText Ruby Library
Tech Ruby, Minitest, GitHub Actions, Simplecov, Rake, Rubocop
Blog Post /blog/tech/nestedtext-implementation-in-ruby/

A ruby library for the human friendly data format NestedText.

nestedtext-ruby logo

Provided is support for decoding a NestedText file or string to Ruby data structures, as well as encoding Ruby objects to a NestedText file or string. Furthermore there is support for serialization and deserialization of custom classes. The supported language version of the data format can be see in the badge above. This implementation pass all the official tests.

This library is inspired Ruby stdlib modules JSON and YAML as well as the Python reference implementation of NestedText. Parsing is done with a LL(1) recursive descent parser and dumping with a recursive DFS traversal of the object references.
